SMS-Int Oct23

October 6, 2023 Steel Market Summary – International CBAM Phase 1 Commences In Europe Steel trading nations around the world will be closely watching the progress of the European Union´s new carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM), which began its initial stage last Sunday. CBAM is the world´s first system to impose CO2 emissions tariffs on […]

NZN Oct23

October 6, 2023 New Zealand News Housing Down…..Hipkins Next? The opinion poll lead that Christopher Luxon currently enjoys over Chris Hipkins as preferred prime minister suggests there will be a change in government after October 14. And while the role that Winston Peters may play in any eventual coalition remains to be seen, one thing […]

Scrap Metal SPF Oct23

Special Product Feature SCRAP METAL Market Commentary:  Green Steel Revolution To Boost Scrap Metal Demand Steel scrap metal has never been more relevant to the steel sector because it will soon play a key role in the solution to the industry´s greatest problem: the fact that steelmaking accounts for 7% of global greenhouse gas emissions […]

SMS-Aust 18 Sept

September 18, 2023 Steel Market Summary – Australia Climate And Raw Ingredients  Point To Higher Prices The Australian market is being buffeted by winds from varying directions, with a resultant upward pressure on steel prices. Indeed, a glance at our graphs reveals the trend may have already begun. In the past two weeks alone, the […]

SMS-Int Sept23

September 6, 2023 Steel Market Summary – International China´s “Chicken Or The Egg” Steel Dilemma Politically and economically, the first 20 years of this century were a breeze for China. Surging annual GDP figures were accompanied by largely unchallenged geo-political expansion. However, since the pandemic began, the country which makes almost 60% of the world´s […]

SMS-Aust 6 Sept23

September 6, 2023 Steel Market Summary – Australia Chastened BlueScope Steel Reports $1 Billion Profit Events during August shone a light upon a wise business rule of thumb. First do your cost-benefit analysis, then make your decisions. Sometimes those decisions have a sound economic base, but awkward to live with, and sometimes they have harsh […]

NZN Sept23

September 6, 2023 New Zealand News Volumes Down As Recession Fears Rise The so-called Super Cycle of economic activity initiated by governments around the world to stimulate their economies out of the Covid-19 downturn created a buoyant 2022 fiscal year. But since then the cycle has trended downward and the New Zealand economy is once […]

SSMS Sept23

September 6, 2023 Stainless Steel Market Summary Demand Weakness Leads To Price Direction Uncertainty The Australian and New Zealand markets during August showed some signs of destocking with most distributors running down their stock to more manageable levels. Nevertheless, levels are still higher than the long-term averages. Although the market is well off its peak […]

IIC Sept23

September 6, 2023 Industry Insider Column Guest Author – Christo Erasmus, South Island Sales Manager, Steel & Tube 3D Enhances Safety On Construction Sites In the realm of construction, safety is paramount and, as builders and engineers strive to minimise hazards, technological advancements have played a crucial role. One such innovation, 3D modelling, has already […]