Steel Market Summary – Australia

July 18, 2024 Steel Market Summary – Australia New Dwellings Up, Whyalla Back  A slight increase in the number of new dwellings commenced in the March quarter is welcome news for the steel industry. However, the eye-catching figure within the modest 0.5% overall rise was the increase in new private sector house commencements which rose […]

SMS-Aust 6 July

July 5, 2024 Steel Market Summary – Australia Rise In Housing Approvals Encourages Steel Industry  Large government-funded infrastructure projects have been the saviour for steel consumption since the pandemic, and continue to be so. Construction in its many forms, both public and private, has fared less well and often for complex reasons related more to […]

SMS-Aust 18 June

June 18, 2024 Steel Market Summary – Australia Port Kembla Plate Mill Upgrade Approved  The NSW Government has given planning approval for a major refurbishment of BlueScope Steel’s Port Kembla plate mill. The $300 million project will involve replacing two of the existing furnaces with a newer and more energy-efficient alternative, upgrading infrastructure, and modernising […]

SMS-Aust 6 June

June 6, 2024 Steel Market Summary – Australia Conference Hears Of Slowing Steel Demand And Insolvencies  The Australian Steel Association (ASA) held its annual conference over May 19 -21, attracting more than 100 attendees. The ASA´s president, David Buchanan, told Australian Steel News: “The event not only provided those attending with useful networking opportunities, but […]

SMS-Aust 17 May

May 17, 2024 Steel Market Summary – Australia EAF Delay Increases Whyalla Woes  Further problems are besetting the Whyalla steelworks which has been unable to produce steel since mid-March when its 60-year-old blast furnace was damaged during a re-start following maintenance. Now, Liberty Steel Australia, the owner of the Whyalla operations, has announced that a […]

SMS-Aust 6 May

May 6, 2024 Steel Market Summary – Australia The Green Theme Is Gathering Steam Australia´s second largest pension fund, the $280 billion Australian Retirement Trust, has announced it will stop investing in most thermal coal companies from July onwards. Whilst the decision will not have a direct impact upon the steel industry in Australia, it […]

SMS-Aust 18 Apr

April 18, 2024 Steel Market Summary – Australia World Steel Demand To Enter Growth Period Earlier this month the Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese, announced his plan for Australia´s manufacturing sector as our country and the world respond to the challenges of climate change and international supply chain disruptions. The details of the ambitious Future Made […]

SMS-Aust 5 April

April 5, 2024 Steel Market Summary – Australia Australia Receives Embarrassing Anti-Dumping Ruling A panel at the World Trade Organization (WTO) has found that duties imposed by Australia in a steel products dispute with China were flawed. Canberra has accepted the ruling. The problem here is not so much the size or nature of the […]

SMS-Aust 18 March

March 18, 2024 Steel Market Summary – Australia Cooling Economies Deflate Steel Prices As the first officer said to the captain on board the Titanic: “Sir, I have this sinking feeling.” So too, international steel prices are sliding downward, the impact of which on the Australian domestic market will be interesting to observe. A key […]

SMS-Aust 6 March

March 6, 2024 Steel Market Summary – Australia To The Biggest Go The Spoils In January, the Australian Federal Government announced BlueScope Steel would receive $136.8 million of taxpayers´ money to help with its ongoing business: specifically, the reline of its No. 6 blast furnace. In mid-February, BlueScope Steel announced a net profit after tax […]